Advanced Photography

Have you been shooting underwater photography for some time but you feel like you have not squeezed out all the potential of your camera? The Advanced Underwater Photography is a course for those who already used to dive and shoot, but believe are slightly stuck with their photo game. During this course we will help you polish your scuba diving and photography skills, remind you of the most important fundamentals and teach you new lighting techniques, for instance slow shutter speed, black backgrounds, back lighting, or introduce you to artificial lighting if that’s something new to you. You will also learn about equipment assemble and maintenance. You can decide if you want to push your wide-angle or your macro photography. The course is divided into 2 days and a half. On the first day we will meet during the afternoon at the Humarine HQ. We will then decide what are your major interest points and plan the 4 dives of the course accordingly. You will give a pre dive maintenance to your photography equipment, assemble it completely and leave it ready for the next day. You will learn new lighting techniques that will be practiced during the following days. On both diving days we will be going out by boat and perform 2 dives per day. The dives will be carefully planned out, as it is crucial to make proper use of the limited time we have underwater.

At all moments your photo pro instructor will be present, allowing you to freely explore the underwater photography world and at the same time guiding you if needed or suggesting settings/techniques that will enhance your images. This course is designed for someone who already has some experience of underwater photography, otherwise we recommend taking the Intro to Underwater Photography Course.

During this course you will learn:

  • Equipment assemble and maintenance
  • About wide angle or macro equipment
  • Light theory – Artificial lighting
  • Strobe positioning
  • Lighting techniques
  • Composition
  • Body positioning
  • Post processing

The requirements for taking this course are:

  • Being at least an Advanced Open Water diver
  • +50dives
  • Buoyancy control. Buoyancy is key to perform in underwater photography. If you are not able to control your body, you might have issues with your photography game.
  • Being familiar with underwater photography

What does the Avanced Underwater Photography include?

· 1 theory classroom session
· 4 boat dives
· 2 guided editing sessions
· Photo equipment rental if need
· Transport from the city center to the ocean and back
· A unique experience you’ll remember foreverT

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During this course you will learn:

  • Foundations of underwater photography
  • Different camera systems
  • To make use of the manual mode
  • Light theory
  • Ambient lighting
  • Composition
  • Body positioning
  • Subject selection and approach
  • To dive as photographer and not just a diver
  • File management
  • Post production through Lightroom and Photoshop
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